How Deep Is Lake Tahoe

Nicknamed Deep Blue By the Locals Tahoe Has an Average Depth of 1000 feet and is 1645 Feet Deep(501m) at its deepest.
Average surface water temp is a chilling 51.9ºf but will peek out between 69ºf – 72ºf late July Early August. Lake Tahoe holds 39 Trillion Gallons water and could cover California in over a foot of water.

Is Lake Tahoe The Deepest Lake in the United States?

Lake Tahoe is Greater than the Greatest Lake! It is more profound than any of the great lakes. Crystal clear and deeper than any of the great lakes. But it is not the Deepest Lake In The World. Russia’s Lake Baikal With a staggering 5369 feet depth is by far the deepest in the world. Lake Tahoe Could empty into Lake Baikal over 100 times.
Out of the five deepest lakes in North America, Two are in the Western United States. The other three are in Canada. Deep Blue falls Shallow from the Title by 304 feet. relinGiving up the Title for deepest Lake in the United States to Crater Lake in Oregon. None of those lakes are as clear as Tahoe. Water clarity measured by dropping a dinner size plate on a rope down into the water the Average visibility has been about 70 feet over the last five years. In 2017 the Measurement hit an all-time low of only 59.7 feet, But measurements Taken later the same year, according to Geoffrey, an engineering professor at UC Davis, is Improving. The previous worst record in 1997 was 64.1 feet a 5.6-foot decline.

What’s At The Bottom Of Lake Tahoe

The Bottom of Lake Tahoe has been a mystery until recently, Leaving local folklore and urban legend to run rampant. Such As Lake monsters from the prehistoric era Traveling between Pyramid Lake in Nevada and Lake Tahoe. Tahoe Tessie allegedly travels Through an aqueduct like cave system to Avoid getting her picture taken by the millions of visitors. Then there are the stories of hundreds of Undecomposed poor Chinese migrant workers. Their body’s dumped overboard in the middle of the Lake so that railroads could save money. Or my personal favorites, Mobsters swimming with the fishes. I believe this is partly due to the movie Scarface filmed in Tahoe. There is some validity to the preservation of the dead bodies due to the cold water. In 2007 a scuba diver from Carson City, The Divers Body, was recovered. That in itself is not that intriguing, but he went diving 17 years early in 1994. His body was in remarkable condition. Coldwater slows down naturally occurring bacteria in the body from producing gasses that make the body float and Starts the decomposition process. The Diver was covered head to toe with a wetsuit and had a weight belt, protecting His body from any Aquatic life and keeping the body from floating. During an interview with the Reno Gazette Jurnal Jennifer Hollander Biology Professor at the University of Nevada, Reno said Most Body would not last decades without the protection of a wetsuit and weight belt.
In recent years the development of cheap waterproof cameras has provided several good videos of the deepest parts of the Lake. After watching them, the only thing I have seen in the cold dark depths is Mud, Mysis shrimp, and a few sunken boats.

Sunken Ships at rest on the bottom

There are several noteworthy sunken vessels in Lake Tahoe The S.S. Tahoe lies in About 400 Feet of water. It was scuttled in 1940 by its owner. The 169 foot 9-inch steamship was once the pride of the Lake. It delivered mail and passengers Around the Lake. It was an intricate part of American history. When sunk the S.S. Tahoe was supposed to lay under the water at about 30 feet. The plan was to get glass-bottom boats to visit her, But steeper than expected underwater terrain let ship slide out of sight. The bow is resting at 360 feet and the stern at 490 feet. The Wreck has been visited by divers, The first time in 2002. Like the other things found in the depths of this Lake, It too looks to be well preserved There are some sunken boats you can see If you would like to. California National Park Service has a map of some in Emerald Bay that is part of the national parks. 2 barges and 12 boats. The boats range from 10 to 30 feet deep. You need not even get wet because some can be seen from the surface while in a boat.

Fun Facts

Reno is 85 feet above the deepest part of Lake Tahoe.

Tahoe is not the biggest Lake IN California. Just Because it is not completely in California.

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