With its broad bright skylines and mostly open terrain, it’s little wonder why most people regard Nevada as a prime UFO sightings hotspot. But the lay of the land isn’t the only reason.
Nevada has several places that are synonymous with UFOs, aliens, and lights in the sky, so much so local government has named places denoting alien-themed landmarks. One specific example is state legislature renaming Highway 375 as “The Extraterrestrial Highway. But” Nevada is Not the highest state for reported UFO sightings,” according to Satelliteinternet.com,” Washinton is.

UFO’s have been an essential topic of discussion for many, since the reported crash landing of a craft in the town of Roswell, New Mexico. That craft and the rumored bodies retrieved from that crash were reportedly shipped to a remote and little-known location at the time called Area 51. Area 51- Groom Lake Nevada
When you’re talking about UFO’s or aliens in Nevada, it’s impossible not to mention Area 51. This mysterious military base strategically positioned is America’s #1 tourist destination that you’re not allowed to enter. The signs going into the place are just as popular as the base itself, giving fair warning to any who seek to venture in farther than security will allow.
The stories pumped out of that area about UFOs and other top-secret “otherworldly” projects that take place there have been talked about for years; either in books, television shows, or featured in movies such as “Independence Day.”
You could say that it’s the government’s worst kept secret. For years they denied its existence, but their denial turned into a joke as time went on, and knowledge of the base’s presence became more mainstream. These days, what goes on within the military base is where the mysteries remain, rather than the place’s existence.

Storm Area 51 Event
“They can’t stop all of us!” This is a slogan of type, used to generate the excitement of UFO enthusiasts around the world, to gather and charge through the security systems of Area 51 on September 20th, 2019. The reason- to get to the truth behind what’s going on at this well guarded Airforce Base, using sheer numbers as their weapon.
This sentiment turned into what seemed to evolve into a movement, mainly through social media. September 20th was set for all to gather together, and figure out what to do from there. Large numbers were estimated to turn up for this public display of civil disobedience, as the buzz overtook platforms such as Facebook & Twitter.
Some people were dubbing this as “Alienstock.” Talk of the event spread like wildfire throughout the internet as well as major news networks. Right up to the scheduled date of the phenomenon, over 2 million people had given their acknowledgment that they were going to be there.
However, when it came down to it, not many people showed are willing to become target practice for Area 51 security. If anything, it wound up turning into a peaceful party, where enthusiasts were able to get together and exchange stories, experiences, and party down a bit for a few days.
The UFO Capital of the World
Rachel Nevada (originally called Sandy due to it being in the desert), is renowned as being dubbed as the UFO Capital of the World. It gained this dubious distinction due to its proximity to Area 51 (being the closest town to this mysterious base) and the numerous tales of sightings witnessed over the years by the town’s 52 residents and passersby.
One of the “go-to” places in Rachel is the “Little A’le’ inn.” The café’s owner Pat is more than happy to share experiences and tell stories about the otherworldly kinds of things that have transpired in the area over the years.
Night and Day Occurrences
UFO’s have been observed all over the state of Nevada, and reports are seemingly filed daily to authorities, enthusiast websites, news outlets, or anywhere accounts are taken seriously. There are accounts of seeing metallic round or cylindrical shapes floating in the sky during the day, and lights that defy explanation at night. People have been followed by craft day and night on the lonely Nevada highways, at times up close and personal.
People Coming Forward
There was a time where very few people would come forward to share an experience- even with local police. Witnesses to strange craft or other experiences that had to do with Extraterrestrials were considered crackpots, crazies, or liars. Things are much different now, especially since the Federal Government released information about unidentified flying craft in the skies over the US in 2019.
Because we’re in the digital age, more and more footage is available to back up accounts, where at one time, one would have to take someone’s account with a grain of salt. It’s much easier to come forward with a story when you’ve got the footage to document what you’ve seen. This may explain the abundance of people who are coming forward with their accounts, alongside a general public acceptance that these things are happening.
Will you see a UFO in Nevada?
Nevada is vast, the highways are straight, and through much of Nevada, the skyline never seems to begin or end too far up from the ground. A large panoramic view from east to west is experienced in the plains and desert areas of Nevada. For some folks that live in these areas, observing a UFO isn’t a big deal, due to the frequency of sightings.
They see something in the sky and continue with their day bearing a story to tell. Your chances are always good to see one of these things, but keep this in mind. Most of the cases involving a UFO sighting, or any other interaction between people and whatever these are, most often happen without the person or people actively looking for it to happen.
These things happen by chance and are nothing you can set your watch to and expect to happen just because you’re looking. That notwithstanding, if there’d be anywhere that you’d have the best shot becoming a witness to a UFO, it would be in Nevada.
So, will you see a UFO in Nevada? Well, you’ll never know unless you go.